Efficiency in Movement

Welcome to the largest importer of electrical motors and gearboxes on the African continent. Let's get to work.

About Us

STM South Africa is a top-rated transmission solutions provider and a reliable importer of Tramec and SUPROR Gearboxes and Geared Units. 

And our skills don't stop there. We also build our own product range MEC gearboxes for the mining and conveyor industry. 

After Sales

Our highly skilled salespeople and technicians guarantee a detailed and efficient after-sales...

Customer Care

S.T.M. team manufactures very high quality products but, should anything go wrong,...


Our Top-Rated Products

RJ IE1 Cast Iron Motors

0 out of 5

Aluminium 3Phase Motors

0 out of 5

Pre-Stage Units

0 out of 5

NMRV Worm And Wheel Gear Unit

0 out of 5

RJ IE3 Cast Iron Motors

0 out of 5